M is empty
"The richness plus emptiness of being equals shentong,' I have once read.
'The shentong view states that M is empty - devoid of M, but it is not due to some lack, rather because of an overabundance which overfills the emptiness".
Emptiness is joy, Artur Przybysławski
There is no place for all those that I love. Therefore, the growth is directed inwards. This is where I play echo, learn to walk in my own footprints and discover the beginnings of terror. At times, I try to seek out the Form in which my own mandala could look at itself like in a mirror. Because it, it is never a circle, rather it foams up, with something constantly bursting inside and it overfilling something. This is the way I prefer it - the direction instead of the plane.
photographic print, 138 x 220 cm