The hull
Going inside, one may lose sight of the matter. I have once read that a rice hull protects void. It supports hundreds of rice seeds. It is amusing that even according to physicists the majority of things consists of void. That in the invisible world a particle may sometimes move like waves and sometimes remain a closed point. And like obsidian, having been formed from magma, it spills and cools down, becoming a stone mirror. In my naivety, I wondered where the boundaries of an entity are, trying to stop the ocean wrinkles. To pull out the weight of which (the image changes under the influence of intense light due to the reflective surface formed by the glass particles) rocks are woven.

The hull I
glass dust, UV printing, 165 x 240 cm
The object changes under the influence of light.

The hull III
object, resin, 22 x 33 x 5,5 cm
The hull II
object, granite, 22 x 33 x 5,5 cm

The hull IV
object, epoxy resin, obsidian dust, pigment 15.5 cm in diameter